
Showing posts from 2011

Just A Thought

Only the softest souls feel the deepest pinch, when dust and doubt reach an all-time high. We'd neither travel a meager mile nor inch despite the crucial yearn calling far from nigh. Smiths have inhaled many volumes of smog But never have they fabricated gold from silver Whilst charming a prince into royal frog many a being would artlessly fail to deliver.


Every single time I intend  to extend these heavy words to this glorious gem of a lady, time and chance plays hide-and-seek with love and fondness. I’ve longed for her warm embrace and the slap across my face for cheating on her; that is, if I foolishly do so. Many friends and acquaintances become instantly awed at the sight of her backbone and her frontal zone. It’s probably due to their respective sizes or maybe the swagger capturing her catwalk. She’s worth much more than human eyes can envision: and even lighter than most heavy minds would attempt to fathom. But my impasse defined by her unwillingness to receive this message of mine, has most certainly caused me to stint on the inherent blaze dying down with each turndown. Her name rings the royal ringtone each moment it’s mentioned. Not the type adorned and ensconced with the raiment of humans or commons: the kind woven by powerful ones sadly unseen and unheard of. Though fairer than a Cleopatra, she risks losing her i...


Scream Let those inner demons out They seek to burrow into you Raising alters of death and doubt Cry Allow the flow of fresh tear You wouldn’t want to be inundated Drowned in floods of fear Laugh Release bouts of bliss Life is nothing without joy In a hateful dark world like this. Pray Let your knees feel the ground God can’t speak to men When they make no heavenly sound.


It’s like being stationed in an observatory, but without the telescope to provide that closer view of the distant. Perhaps, the only far-reaching instrument at work in my present state is the seclusion driving me crazy. I’m currently trying to seek solace in my room’s chalice: staring into the sky adorned with grains of stardust poured out for the optical pleasure of humankind. My strange desire for these shimmering masses of energy has been borne out of the immeasurable surge of loneliness, much stronger than earlier envisaged. My colleague just distracted the deadly description I was about to unleash. But I’ll disintegrate the complexity breeding in my bowels before my eyes begin to feel weary. I must be gazing at one of the many constellations which seems to be mystical or something out of the ordinary. I postulate that of Pegasus, which seems fascinating enough for a quiet enthusiast of the night sky. Maybe the aerial-bound horse would tickle many a fancy, but the fact that...


MAFIA Most Ghanaian tertiary students are very familiar with this term, especially when lecturers burden them with overbearing amounts of assignments and group projects to be completed within a very short period of time. More often than not, out of sheer laziness these degree-seeking vampires neglect the fulfilment of their scholastic obligation. And when these works are left to the very last minute, the cycle of laying blame at their doorposts is set into repetitive motion: which usually champions the widespread illusion that miniature gods sitting in offices and pretending to teach, only sought to fail them at the end of the semester. Or maybe, whilst trying your very best to enjoy the many commercials that annoyingly interrupt the telenovela gripping your sensual side, the lights give out. We somehow (and absurdly) manage to think the company tasked with ensuring that electricity supply is maintained, deliberately deprives the general public of this so crucial utility, ...


More often than not, the working population without vehicles of their very own take the early bus to work with large notes looking to escape from hot pockets: but the beautiful exchange that ensues, speaks of the dirty dilemma our innocent hands have to endure.  The fresh and unadulterated smell of a cedi is quickly relinquished for a folded note impregnated with filth, thumbprints, and possibly semen. You think that is outrageous? Puh-lease! The very elaborate Kamasutra sex positions are not even as remotely extreme as the state of the once unblemished powerful slice of paper after going through the palms and pockets of different locations and adorned after varying vocations. Lets not forget the market-woman who hides the fruit of her labor, accrued from selling her merchandise in the hot sun between her falling cleavages. That scorching heavenly body forcing the salty sweat from within her epidermis, which interestingly enough, culminates into the stench str...


Its just been over a year since we recounted the brief but beautiful past we both shared. Those times where the world didn't matter, when we became the impregnable unit that has sadly crumbled to non-existence. It would be a great farce to inform the general public and the entire world of me dreaming about you everyday: having your image engraved on the nucleus of my brain cells surely seems enough to keep me haunted forever, which remains my most treasured relic. Constantly chased out of sorts by this nightmare of a memory, I ridiculously wish it would become reality. Although our intimacy was devoid of salivary exchange, your absence has incurred an omnibus of solitude. Bringing with it, chilly morning breezes,  it sends me a reminder of how warm your cuddles kept me on a daily basis. I certainly don't allude all this to that misinformed meteorologist on the television, or even nature's great antiphon in climate change, but each gust approaching sub-zero te...


Why do I still feel so strongly attached to this imaginary lady? My sensual affiliation seems so non-existent when she avails herself. This mystery maiden doesn’t complain about my messed up hair, neither does she keep silent for days without calling me. She makes her presence so obvious when I’m alone and utterly morose by the stinking stillness of my life. I face this menace ever so often when my queen decides to temporarily forfeit her sovereignty and take her throne for granted. Indignation is my daily bread, especially when I sulk so much at the inability to check on her supposed king. Although many damsels have traversed my path, my devotion remains solely imposed on my affection towards her. It almost feels like I have fallen face down, bursting my eye-balls out with no chance of seeing any other forever. She lethargically steps up the ladder of maturity, feeling very comfortable where she currently resides : under the tutelage of dear daddy. Taking both weekly wages and instr...


Ever been in that awkward situation where you just wanted to vaporize in an instant? When trying to act nice to a stranger becomes an impossible mountain to climb, or opening up to that lovely lady seems deeper than the deepest mining shafts at the Obuasi Gold mines? Well, I have always wanted those situations to arise, when I had built up enough gusto to face them. But unfortunately, they seem to be trickling in at a pace faster than I could possibly imagine. Some seem to think the liquor, whether hard or soft, would carry those moments aloft. But I beg to differ with that plastered plot. Taking shots of alcohol have helped many a man to lay away shreds of fear and frequent fits of low self-esteem whenever they deem it crucial. Chemically belonging to the group of compounds known as ethyl alcohols or ethanol, these tonics have taken centre-stage in our daily lives. Though the original name denoted any fine powder Alchemists of medieval Europe applied to essences, obtained through dis...


Plethora of reasons leave me bewildered as to why I awake so tired and totally worn out. The many billions of mitochondria could have not just disappeared. After all, nothing naughty transpired the night before bed. Even if something did happen, I’m sure it would have provided a source of refreshment rather than a pile driver through my back. Maybe my body took advantage of itself and decided to work overtime in keeping my sugar levels intact: based on last night’s chocolate delight. With Lupe Fiasco blasting through my cochlea, my body’s cognitive skills appear to experience a sudden surge in the most uncompromising fashion, probably in response to my outcry of weakness: kind of showing me who’s boss right? But believe me, my body is boss alright, especially when it comes to waking after being unaware of your surroundings for hours on end and expelling fluids from within without my permission .  Just recently, I stumbled over some very useful information on mechanisms of th...


I continuously fail to phantom how fate blessed me with such a wonderful opportunity: a chance to collide with someone as sweet as you. It is true; I can’t afford to lie and simply can’t hide why: the reason for loving you. Countless times, your kindness has embarrassed me and amazed my friends: telling me what looks good on me and what food was harmful to my health. My mother would most certainly be the only competitor, but you surely would be a worthy challenger. Some years back, a trusted someone told me not to settle down with you, because apparently I hadn’t met half the number of ladies I would eventually come in contact with through my entire lifetime. Well, I guess this friend of mine was unaware of the fact that this period of existence would be shared with an angel, regardless of the Pamela Anderson’s or Jessica Alba’s I’d eventually become acquainted with. You certainly don’t resemble that pretty pair, but baby, you are my brightest sun without which my galaxy would cease ...


It is pretty easy to assume that the world revolves around you, especially when you decide to reside in the comfortable confines of your bed. Rising up and almost immediately going back to your slothful self, wishing everything else in existence would freeze whilst you took a snooze. I can confidently give this coherent description because this scenario was once my daily routine. The transition from dusk to morning would seize suddenly, school children would join the sleeping bandwagon and forget about receiving those hot strokes, or maybe the tipper trucks on the nation’s highways would be rendered immobile by the far-stretching limbs of time. But the rules of engagement to this illusion still remain a mystery to that former personality I tolerated. Maybe the underlying principles were in close proximity to those of the electrical switch, where my retiring and awakening would pause and play the unfolding events happening within and without my territorial scope. Apart from the rays o...

Three of Me..

Poem One Introduction: I'd just read about the Queen of Sheba, the wife of King Solomon. The poem was centered around the story on how she was astonished at the lavishness of his estate when she visited him. Wanting to impress the king, she loaded her camels with   spices, gold and jewels but ironically, the king's greatness swept her of her feet. I merged this with the Trojan horse virus, specifically for effect. With this information registered, I played around with the story. Trojan Sheba Infect my heart thou voracious virus, Scarcely sighted by my many blind lovers, Jealous and full of real incubus impetus, Only conspicuous without its carnal covers. Without you every flaw remains relentless, Drenching my will in obvious oblivion, Till the end I await thee my empress, With diamonds and rubies lavished in perfect pavilion. Poem Two Introduction: On the 28th June 2010, we were greeted with the sad news of 50 miners trapped and possibly dead in a mining pit in Akyempem, s...