It is pretty easy to assume that the world revolves around you, especially when you decide to reside in the comfortable confines of your bed. Rising up and almost immediately going back to your slothful self, wishing everything else in existence would freeze whilst you took a snooze. I can confidently give this coherent description because this scenario was once my daily routine.

The transition from dusk to morning would seize suddenly, school children would join the sleeping bandwagon and forget about receiving those hot strokes, or maybe the tipper trucks on the nation’s highways would be rendered immobile by the far-stretching limbs of time. But the rules of engagement to this illusion still remain a mystery to that former personality I tolerated. Maybe the underlying principles were in close proximity to those of the electrical switch, where my retiring and awakening would pause and play the unfolding events happening within and without my territorial scope.

Apart from the rays of sunshine, this very much extended version of hibernation kept me away from the many opportunities and individuals that could have impacted positively or better still, rescued me from my captors. The alarm clock became my best friend with one particular problem threatening our relationship, my unfaithfulness. I would wake to impede the movement of its jingle of a waveform bursting through my eardrums. My fingers took the time to expertly detect the position of my phone without asking for directions from my eyes. But news reaching me indicates that the keyboard of a once lonely laptop captured her heart about a month ago. How comforting!

Even the masses of mucus accumulated around my dual optical organs could be accommodated within a number of toothpaste tubes. My sleeping habits became so rampant that the above-mentioned residue would have ably represented on any internationally acclaimed stock exchange, probably knocking off coffee as one of the world’s most popular commodities: obviously everybody seems to produce quite an amount each morning.

The battery power isn’t getting any better: maybe another charger?!

Written by : Kojo Essuman Ackah
(C) Copyright ~ 2011 All Rights Reserved

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