Know Thyself

Hello there. Kojo again.

I hope you have recovered from the Corona pandemic impasse.
Obviously, the constant bombardment of toxic headlines especially on social media isn't helping and...

Pardon me - but, yaaayyyieeeeee!!!!
I'm soo pumped about blogging again. This is a typical wɔn shout moment! Literally!

I've got a question btw.
It might seem simple at first glance, but it's a vital question nonetheless.

Who are you? In other words, you be who?

Some people dive in head first with a religious admission of having a renewed identity in Christ, 
whilst students of social interaction dynamics might say they're either introverts or extroverts - or somewhere 
in-the-middle. Others might ramble about having worked with JP Morgan or Deloitte. My grandma won't know the difference.

Honestly, we should be asking ourselves this one on a regular basis. This is because, much of who we are is really a sum total of who we've spent the most time with and experiences we've had. And to truly know you need some maaaaddd introspection. You might not recall everything but E for effort bia?

This is getting long already, but if you've got any opinions on self-identity, feel free to share.
On this note, I'll share a quote...

"The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye"
- Jimi Hendrix

With everything in me,



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