
Showing posts from June, 2016

Fool's Gold

There were miners Scrapping against walls Those screens had more ore But they never found some. These forehead torch goons Risked limb, pushed limits sadly they always left empty bats they became to riches. Like these valiant paupers my sight is lost at its worst to the elusive lucre called love Don't ask me why.

Trouble Clef

My tips blistered today as the song begun once more. On these flat fifty strings my fingers struggled to strum to. The measure seemed too wide, too rich to wrap my head around. Steady hands didn't help as the refrain reached me. My platelets were helpless as the gush streamed on. My blood turned tear-salty whilst my knees rebuked the scurge.


What a love. I have not deserved a nano of this. Countless times, many moments my love has failed But not this one. This love sought me even when I didn't seek after it. What a compelling yearn to rescue those like me a yesteryear shipwrecked soul. This love made me. My downsitting, it is privy to. It has searched me and known me. Endless love, search me some more till I'm without guile.